Mitchell, R., Tracy-Ventura, N., & McManus, K. (forthcoming). Identity, social relationships and language learning during residence abroad. Routledge.
Tracy-Ventura, N., Dewaele, J-M., Koylu, Z., & McManus, K. (2016). Personality changes after a year abroad? A mixed-methods study. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education.
Mitchell, R., McManus, K., & Tracy-Ventura, N. (2015). Comparison of language development during different residence abroad programmes. In R. Mitchell, N. Tracy-Ventura, & K. McManus (Eds), Social interaction, identity and language learning during residence abroad (pp.115-138). EUROSLA Monograph Series 4.
McManus, K., Mitchell, R., & Tracy-Ventura, N. (2014). Understanding insertion and integration in a study abroad context: The case of English-speaking sojourners in France. Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée, 19(2), 97-116.