Time |
Identity 3 |
Measuring gains 3 |
9:00 |
Rakhshandehroo – A mixed-methods investigation of the language environment of Iranian students on English-taught programs in Japanese universities |
Moved from Day 1, Measuring Gains – Czerwionka – Evaluatives during study abroad: Linguistic and intercultural competence development |
9:30 |
Diao – Doing Anti-Racism through Mandarin: A Muslim Student in China |
Shively – “¡Qué horror!”: Development of assessments in L2 Spanish during study abroad |
10:00 |
Moved from Session 5 – McGregor, J. – The researcher’s experience in study abroad: An autoethnographic reconstruction Cancelled, cannot attend – Hussain & Hynes – Internationalization: Encouraging International Student Mobility (ISM) in the UK |
Kimura – “Beyond the native-speaker model in study abroad: An in-depth qualitative inquiry of Japanese college students learning to use English as a lingua franca in Thailand” |
10:30 |
Time |
Identity 4 (will be in same room as Measuring Gains 3) |
Methodology (will be in same room as Identity 3) |
11:00 |
Compiegne – The Role of Social Media in Second Language Identity Development in Study Abroad |
Moved from Session 4 – McMeekin – NS-NNS interaction in a study abroad setting: Communication strategies, word searches, and intersubjectivity |
11:30 |
Dressler & Dressler – The Methodological Challenges of Using Facebook to Research Study Abroad |
Isabelli & Lafford – The Nature and Assessment of the Study Abroad (SA) Classroom & the Facilitation of Effective SA Programs |
12:00 |
Negueruela – The Transformative Experience: Promoting Civic Engagement in a Study Abroad Context |
Plews & Misfeldt – Language learning journals in the context of study abroad learning and research: What they can tell us about students’ language awareness and development
12:30 |
Time |
Language partners |
Fluency |
2:00 |
Kuriscak – Cross-Cultural Conversation Partnerships and Students’ Linguistic and Cultural Growth while Abroad |
Huensch et al – Variables affecting the maintenance of L2 fluency post-study abroad in the short and long term |
2:30 |
Wang & Yang – A Case Study of the Practice of Language Partners in an American Study-Abroad Program in Beijing |
Shi – A Longitudinal Study of Speaking Gains: The Dynamic System Perspective |
3:00 |
Rice in Country programs: Outcomes
Abad – Rice-in-Spain, Pamplona: Advancing interactional skills for doctor-patient communication
Turi – Trends in language gains: Rice-in-Argentina
Kley – Interactional development during study–abroad in Germany: A case study White – Students’ perceptions of language use and interaction while abroad |
3:30 |
3:45 |
Discussion: The future of study abroad research — what needs to be done? |
4:45 |
5:00 |
Plenary: Kinginger |
6:00 – 10:00 |
Conference dinner (6-10) |